Wednesday 10 July 2013

Rosario Private Dick Part 1

    A few days after the debacle with my step father, I was trying to keep my head down while the soot settled. Every day since Rosario arrived here on her broom stick she has insisted that a mug of coffee be waiting for me in the kitchen. Next to the cup of coffee is my real breakfast a lovely glass of Sloe Gin, I never drink the coffee always just leave it next to the empty glass. This lunch time I was perched up on a stool sipping my Sloe watching Rosario stirring  a massive pot on the stove, muttering under her breath every time she dropped in another ingredient.

Suddenly the back door burst open and in walked Bruce, now I am quite fussy about who uses my back entrance so Bruce standing all beefy with a body hugging tee shirt and short denims was not a problem. That man is always welcome at my back entrance, but something was wrong.
"Bruce what's wrong honey, has one of the boys got stuck in the car wash again?"
Bruce closed the door and sat down on the stool next to me.
"It's Marco I think he's having...." I put my hand up to stop him.
"We don't talk about smutty little things like that in this house Bruce."

Marco if you are a happy reader following you will know he is the wine merchant, the one I got the 5 piece Lesbian Jazz Band from and he delivers my wine and crates of Sloe Gin. Bruce and Marco have been an item for the last couple of years. They don't live together as Marco likes his independence. 
We have been here before with the boys, last time it turned out that Marco had brought Bruce a puppy for his Birthday and was hiding it. Bruce thought Marco was sleeping with every Tom, Dick and Harry. Fiery relationship with Marco being a hot tempered Italian and Bruce a giant loveable Ozzie.

"Would you like Rosario and I to have a snoop around to see what we come up with"
"Please Dizzy if you can't find out the truth no one can."
Looking over to Rosario, she is now half way in the pot still muttering. I grab the metal spoon and hit the side of the pot.
" Oi you sorry excuse for a human being, what the hell are you cooking?" Banging the side once more to make sure the ringing in her ears lasted a little longer.
"Mrs Wests group is doing 'show and tell'. So I have made fish eyes special. 
I will show them and then tell them to eat it," and just carried on stirring.

 Bruce jumped off the stool gave me a peck on the cheek and said
"Got to dash, buffing up Mavis Gone-Droopy's BMW, thanks and what ever he is doing I don't care I want to know" ran around and kissed Rosario on the cheek who responded by spitting into the pot and Bruce breezed out as quick as he came in.
I thought something was going on with Marco, normally I am his last delivery at 10pm. He arrives and takes the wine and crates into the cellar from the outside. Once he has finished he always pops in my back entrance with a new bottle of wine for me to try over the weekend. I really don't expect it but then again I have helped considerably to furnish his Penthouse apartment with my weekly order. The last three weeks have been different, just a note through the front door saying he was busy and had to dash.
I turn and look at Rosario, who takes a sip of the voodoo concoction, then spits it out into the sink.
"Perfect" and she puts down her spoon.
"Strange boy, quick something to show you, now follow me," and starts shuffling to the hall. This was fun but where is the old goat taking me. We climb the stairs and walk to the far end of the house and come to a door.
"Hold on a minute satan's whore, I have never seen this door before"
"That's because you are pissed all day" Rosario opened the door and climbed the stairs straight in front of her. Once we reach our destination we could have been anywhere, I have never seen this room before.
"It's called an Attic you strange boy, but come look."
Rosario beckoned me over to a telescope, and then to look through it.
Well, shove a cucumber up my ass and call me Mary, you can see the whole of the city, right up close and personal.

Look, over there in the corner is Bruce's carwash, and the boys cleaning and buffing, Gregory has been working out, look at those biceps.

There on the main street is the wine merchants and Marco loading his van, and bugger me senseless I can see right into Mrs Wests garden. Wow they are big bloomers.
This is amazing, afternoons of pure pleasure spying on everyone and we don't need to leave the house, I can even see the Bishop's Palace. That's odd just thought I saw a woman in a bra, stockings and suspenders walk pass the bedroom window. No, must be mistaken, I know the Bishop's wife is away for a couple of weeks. Rosario interrupts my spying.

"I have a plan to find out if Marco is having......" I put my hand up to stop her in mid flow.
"You have plan, the only plan you have is to give me pure torture everyday"
"Shut up Strange boy and listen." If I wasn't excited and I know I'm excited because a little bit of wee  has just come out, I would have knocked that withered old head off right off speaking like that to me.
"Tonight is delivery night, you wait for him in the cellar and keep him talking for a bit. That's easy for you, that mouth opens and shit falls out."
"Get to the point before I loose my patience and open the window and kick your boney caucus out."
"I will hide in his van and find out where he goes, you can come up here and follow him using the telescope."
"Rosario you evil, cunning, vicious old hag, that's a fucking marvellous plan." Clapping my hands with excitement.
"Tonight we strike, don't get too pissed strange boy." Rosario started shuffling to the stairs.
"Just leave me, I'm fine, just going to have another peek to get my bearings for tonight."
Truth was I could see into every front room and the shock of the hideous furnishings made me just want to look for more and more grotesque front rooms.

To be continued............

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