Tuesday 30 July 2013

Rosario and The Jewel Thief Part 4

     Moist is not really the word to describe how I am feeling right now. I'm dripping with excitement, quick, get a plastic sheet and put it under me. I have not been this excited since I got stuck in a lift with seven Tom Daley lookalikes, whom were all entered into a Tom Daley lookalike competition. Well, the lift got hotter and hotter, sweat dripping down smooth chests, all seven were only wearing tight Speedo's. I felt over dressed in shirt and jeans and the lovely boys helped me undress so I was just in my Designer boxers, the only reason of course was to cool down. Best 4 hours of my life, what that Polish Tom Daley could do in tight corners was amazing.
 We were all gathered in the Drawing room waiting on the Inspector to finish talking to all the staff including Rosario in the kitchen. Mother is sitting on one sofa with Hans and Sadie either side holding each hand, Mother the drama Queen is whimpering and staring into space. On the opposite sofa was Dutch and her husband Willy with Fiji. The Bishop is standing by the fireplace looking very shifty and nervous with the Bishop's wife standing in the far corner talking to Bruce and Crispin. Rosario enters with a tray of drinks for everyone.

"It was that Mexican Whore that stole My Diamonds." My Mother just stood up and pointed straight at Rosario.

"Hold on one minute you over Botoxed Bitch, don't you dare accuse a loyal, caring, loving and devoted member of my staff."

"I would not be surprised if you had something to do with this Dizzy, you do get bored very easily, you old Queen." Mother was now standing inches from my face.

"Ladies please calm down and sit down." The voice came from a tall slim handsome man standing in the doorway.

"I hope you know who you are addressing boy." Said the Bishop, being very protective of my Mother.

"Yes, My Lord Bishop, I know who everyone is in this Room. We normally want to know when important guests are on our Island. Countess, Duchess, Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Inspector Marc Parks, and your cooperation would be much appreciated. Slanging matches between family members does not help matters." He stares at my Mother.

"It was that Mexican, she stole my diamonds." Mother was up on her feet again.

"Sit down you old trout and if you don't stop accusing Rosario I promise when we find the fucking diamonds I will shove them down your throat so far you will need another Inspector to bloody find them again." My Mother sat straight back down, don't know if she was angry, with so much Botox on her face any emotion is hard to see.

" All the staff including Rosario have been cleared of anything to do with the thief, the Diamonds were stolen between 4.25pm to 4.35pm. Two maids had entered the Master bedroom suite at 4.15pm to prepare for the Countess to bath and dress for dinner. Both maids left to collect new bath towels, both returning back down the  corridor at 4.30pm, when one maid slipped on some wet tiles causing them to return to the kitchen where the rest of the staff were for help. A different maid helped with the towels and entered the room at 4.35pm. The master bedroom had been ransacked and every piece of jewellery seems to have been taken."

"Hold on sexy, too much information for a little brain like mine to take in. You don't mind if my creature from the black lagoon goes and gets my cocktail cigarettes?" I said with a cheeky smile on my face, directing it right at the Inspector.

6 of the best.
"Disnarc, Sir it's an honour to meet you at last, your book on '50 ways to Drink Sloe Gin' is still a best seller here, of course Rosario can go and get the cigarettes for you."

"What can I say Inspec, just bring a copy over and I will sign it with love from me to you. Maggot breath, bring my phone and a bottle as well, shuffle along now." Looking away from the stare of the sexy Inspector to Rosario and when I had finished speaking back to the Inspector, winking at him, causing him to blush.

"Moving on everyone, was anyone not in the area of the beach between the times of 4.15pm to 4.40pm?" The Inspector enquired. By this time Rosario had returned with the cigarettes, phone and bottle. Passing the phone I hand it back to her quietly saying

"Go into the corner and start taking photo's, we might be able to see a guilty face among them."

"Four people were missing from the party." Bruce announced from the corner.

"Continue Bruce if you would not mind." Asked the Inspector Marc.

"Mrs Bishop was not in the group but at the very far end of the beach walking, but we could all see her, but we did not see the Bishop from 2pm, till he walked in from the gardens. Dutch and Willy where out with the Chauffeur and Dizzy and Rosario where next to the rocks from about 4pm onwards and we could see them both." Bishop then looks straight at me and I just look back and smile. Mrs Bishop goes red as a beetroot and steps forward and stands like a little girl about to give a speech at school.

"My husband has private prayer every day from 2.30pm till 4.30pm, and he would not steal the diamonds because he does not need them. For the last 30 bloody years he has given 80% of his monthly salary away to charity." Mrs Bishop, going even more redder now with anger. How dare anyone accuse her husband, and by the sounds of it, she's a little pissed off he's been given all his salary away. At this time I could have mentioned that his Lord Bishop was on the beach, but looking at him at the fireplace, sweat pouring from his face I was enjoying seeing him squirm.

 "Duchess, you and your Husband were off the premises, but I have spoken to the chauffeur who said you arrived back at 4.40pm to hear the maids screaming, so I can rule the two of you out."The Inspector was now pacing the floor.

"Please Inspec, enough of the melodrama. I really do think Inspec that you should hang around because tomorrow my Mother will be getting married to her Swiss lover on the beach, all I need to do is give the old crow away, then I will be free as a bird for you to integrate me." By this time three quarters of the bottle had made its way down my throat.

"Rosario, I think I may have had too much Sun and could pass out at any moment, please take me to my rooms, if that's OK with the Inspector?" Fuck I'm a good actress.

"Of course Sir, if I need to speak to you......." I interrupt him,

"Just knock on my bedroom suite, I will make myself 100% available for you." Rosario puts an arm around my waist and mutters, "Slut" under her breath and we start walking to the door.

"I still say that witch done it." My Mother pointed her long finger at Rosario. Without looking back I answered her,

"When you die Mother Dearest we will need an industrial oven to cremate your body. We will need some bloody hot heat to melt all that plastic." Dutch and Sadie burst into laughter as we leave the room.

Walking down the corridor Rosario turns and asks 

"So strange boy who did it and you can now drop the act of having to much sun, we are clear of everyone."

"You can beat me senseless with the Bishop's paddle, I really have not got a clue. Tomorrow at the wedding, with all the guests and Jewellery   on show, the thief may try his or hers luck and strike again. It's a queer one old girl but a good night sleep might help me jog my memory, I'm missing something, its like something on the tip of my tongue."

"Normally Sloe Gin, creme eggs, cookies or a cock is on the tip of that tongue."

"I will pretend I did not hear that, Goodnight and wake me at 8."

"Haha, you up in the morning, I just can't wait." Rosario shuffled off down the corridor, leaving me with my thoughts.

Lying in bed nibbling on some cookies and sipping a glass of Sloe I try and think back to the events of that day. Annoying part was, I was passed out cold until 3pm so what went on before will never be known. Tomorrow is going to be boring with the wedding at noon, this villa is going to be crazy from first light. Something about today was not right but could not put my finger on it, sleep will help or another glass of Sloe and one more cookie might do the trick as well.

To be continued...........

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