Monday 29 July 2013

Rosario and the Jewel Thief Part 3

      Sleeping more than normal, personally I think it's a side effect from the cookies and not my Sloe Gin. I awoke around 3pm by the rodent from Mexico shaking me.

"Wake up, you drunken poof, everyone is down at the beach. All clear for you to get up, I have placed your sun lounger far away from everyone else, this side of the rocks."

"So what is everyone up to?" I asked sitting up in bed and reaching for a cocktail cigarette.

"Bruce and Crispin are on sun loungers, which are very close together, making it a look like a double bed. Your sister and Fiji are right behind them, both women dribbling every time they kiss or Bruce flexes his muscles."

"What about the love birds and the church of kink?"

"Han's is showing off in the water with your Mother lying on a daybed totally in the shade, watching him. The Bishop's wife was last scene walking away from the villa along the waters edge. The Bishop disappeared about thirty minutes ago but don't know where."

"God, you are good, do we need to pass any of them to get to the sun lounger?"

"Go via the grass and bushes where you and Sadie had your late night cookie party."

"Did you get us back OK?" I slip out of bed and put on my tight pink swimming shorts. I will dip into the sea to waken up.

"You were easy, I always keep a creme egg in my dress and you just follow the egg until you get into bed. Your sister was passed out cold and she is one hell of a dead weight asleep. I dragged her by her feet  to her room, where I left her in the hands of Fiji."

Once on the lounger and Rosario had oiled me up I sat back to watch the goings on. To my far left was the group of guests, Bruce and Crispin kissing on their sun loungers and the two girls behind, giggling like teenagers. My Mother was reclining on a daybed feeding Han's grapes, my stomach turned. I closed my eyes and soaked up the sun. About half an hour later around 4.15pm I was awoken by people talking.

"Rosario, wake up you lazy bitch and get over here." I whisper and chuck the bottle of sun tan lotion over to the palm trees where Rosario  was asleep. 

"Where are those voices coming from, I'm sure one of them is the Bishop, I just don't know who the other voice is........Listen." Rosario, creep over to the rocks and then we heard

"SLAP..........OUCH.....Give it to me big boy"

"You want it you naughty boy?...........Slap"

"OOOHHHHH  YESSSSS........Ive been so naughty.........Slap"

Rosario and I just looked at each other, both of us remembering the phone video of a tranny in crotchless knickers being spanked by Marco. The new spanker was someone on this island, it could be anyone as they have  already been here a week. Then swimming past came show off Han's who as he passed us waved and shouted Hello. Sticking two fingers up and shouting back to him 

"Drown you Swiss wanker."

 That spooked the Bishop and his friend, and we heard him say

"Oh fuck, hide before Han's sees us."

 Han's didn't see the kinky twosome but carried on swimming around the corner. Settling back down trying to think if I had heard that mysterious voice before. I could see walking towards the main group Mrs Bishop who carried on passing them and onwards towards the rocks and us. Ten minutes past with only Mrs Bishop passing us and waving hello, the Bishop and his slapping friend had long gone. The girls were still giggling with Bruce and Crispin catching on to the girls, Crispin oiling up Bruce's hard body with oil, stopping to lick a nipple then hearing the squeals of delight from the loungers behind . At one point I thought my sister was going to jump them, but Fiji was holding her back.

"Oh look Rosario, Han's is swimming back, wow he is going slowly, look he is now showing off diving. Hope he is not another Count who wants my body. There he's picking up speed again, oh look   Mother is waiting at the water's edge with a towel."

"MISTRESS CYBIL, MISTRESS CYBIL" A chambermaid came running from the Villa onto the beach.

"YOUR DIAMONDS, MISTRESS CYBIL, SOMEONE HAS TAKEN YOUR DIAMONDS" Screamed the chambermaid as she runs towards the group. 

Han's races from the water and catches my Mother as she faints, he lifts her in his arms and starts to walk towards the Villa.

"Call the police, my Cybil has been violated." Han's shouts to the staff now standing by the pool. 
Everyone starts walking back to the villa, all of us in a daze, I feel a tug on my sleeve and look down at Rosario who beckons me to come close to hear something.

"Someone in this group stole the Diamonds, this villa has to much security for anyone to walk in and only the staff and guests knew she had her diamonds with her." Rosario whispers.

"What is puzzling me is why are her diamonds out and not locked away in the local bank as normal. I think my dear skunk you may be right. Keep close but let me know if you see anything. For now we will let the police do there investigating but I think we need to look at our fellow guests to find the thief."

"Including your Sister and Fiji?"

"Everyone, including my sister, she could be the jewel thief."

To be continued......................

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